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Adventures in Learning

Adventures in Learning (AIL) is a lifelong learning program focused on helping seniors continue to learn, discover, and grow in an atmosphere of friendship. Our sessions are led by volunteer class instructors who bring their special interest and backgrounds to enrich lives and keep minds strong and vibrant.


The National Council on Aging reports that seniors who regularly engage in lifelong learning score significantly higher on assessments of physical, mental and social well-being compared to those not engaged in continued education programs.

Upcoming Adventures in Learning sessions:​

  • Fall Session: Oct. 3 to Nov. 7

  • Winter Session: Jan. 9th - Feb. 20th 

Upcoming Events...

A Matter of Balance

Every Tuesday from January 10th - March 7th

10am - 12pm
This is a class taught by certified professionals from Atrium and Novant Health with support from Centralina Area on Aging.  Sessions are held once a week for two hours and are appropriate for anyone over the age of 50 who wants to learn how to prevent falls, one of the leading causes of hospitalizations locally and loss of independent living.  Falls are preventable - let us teach you how!! Lessons include home modifications, fear of falling, assessing and adapting risk of falls when up and about, a session on how to get up from a fall, and each session will include an actual exercise session specific to falls prevention needs.   Participants will take home a workbook at the end of the program.
Sign up by Dec 15th , class is limited to 15 participants. 

Elderly Woman at Gym

If you are new to the program, we warmly welcome you and appreciate your interest!

If you have questions, call our office at
704-365-1995 or email

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